Join CDM and Quest Software as we explore modern endpoint management, together, on-demand

At too many companies either there’s no endpoint management system in place or it’s been thrown together over the years, comprised by a mixture of aging solutions. So how do you tame the chaos of your company’s ever-expanding desktop PCs, laptops, mobile devices, and BYOD users? In order to implement a truly modern endpoint management system, you’ll first need to understand what modern endpoint management really is and how it can help you to manage your endpoints more efficiently and securely.

In this webinar you will:

• Gain clarity around the definition of modern management
• Understand investigation points regarding your business environment
• Receive strategy insights for managing personal and corporate devices

Hosted by Gary Miliefsky, Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine with Special Guest Speaker: Jody Evans, Product Manager at Quest Software

About The Speaker
Jody Evans has over 20 years of experience in the endpoint management industry working with vendors such as Ivanti, Symantec, Microsoft, VMware, and most notably KACE. His experience stems from consulting and implementation services, technical training, learning and development, and program management. As a Product Manager for Quest, Jody specializes in cloud-based endpoint management leading the charge for the KACE Cloud solution line, and is excited about helping customers manage their endpoints in today’s workforce landscape.

Exploring Modern Management


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